Rory Dylan Gallagher

RIP Finlay.

Pretty hype links, Budman!

Ah, the Force Poop.

With a weapon that over the top, it was safe to asume that he'd go at least half-Syler.

Patton Oswald Creams Self; Force Awakens Proven to Be Up To Standards

Solo Kids would have Skywalker family matters in their blood, though.

So, if we were to, say, incept the idea for a BRPD movie into Jjabrahms' head…

…would smell as sweet.


Besides, Weinstein got eaten by a giant spider.

*gives OK sign*

Mike Nelson, NIU graduate, is the best MST3K host, but he's still doing Rifftrax, so yeah.

That was a special effect. The aminals died for real.

I'm also supporting Fisher, because she's the one serious character so far. There needs to be a party pooper to make Ash look like the best hero, and that's her current position.

"How did you summon them to begin with?"

Ted's going to be the true demonologist, and not just a dorky bookseller. It'll be awesome.

Pulling the fork out could activate the demon summoning, though.

No, it's writing dumb characters.

The Sam Rami reference room is a crazy one, and it knows what it likes.

It's kind of following the AoD comic series set-up of "Ash just kept the book because he's too paranoid to not have it".