Rory Dylan Gallagher

Zachary Quinto has punching in his contract.

"Wait, the grandpa from Princess Bride was a detective? Get ouuuuuuuutttt!"

Was Takei the awkward highly focused part of the Federation? Was Scotty the catious side? Was Uhura the anger side?

I've been saying that since I learned he died.

I was just talking about how Mystical Knights of Tir Na Nog needed a comeback earlier today.

How are they going to subtly foreshadow his future?

Can real Europe be mistaken for Tamriel sometimes? I guess calling those from Brittany "Brittans" would be confusing, but…

Jump Around always feels like one of those 60's pop dance tracks that are really hounding you to do the dance they're promoting. More so than like Humpty Dance or the Electric Slide. About the same as the Cha-Cha Slide, though.

If I got drunk at a place with a jukebox, that place would become the Tangiers, I would become Ace Rothstein, and that jukebox would become Ginger based on the amount of money I'd spend on it.

Nobody born since the 80's wants to outright admit they like Men At Work unless they're theater kids and thus already are shown to sing in public. Hall & Oates is in that category as well, honestly.

Wonder what "his" elf eyes saw…

So on the scale of "horse girls are super cool-cat girls are normal-dolphin girls are terrifying", Little Mermaid sheets is pretty close to terror, right?

I bet Germany uses the same diction to describe the 40's, honestly.


(Oh god, I already apologize for this one.)

Well, yeah. Could've said soap opera actors too.

…I'm a little worried about Teti the Younger's mental health now.

This feels like a Troubles joke.

Well, trilbys have an anti feminist connotation with the whole Tribly the novel with Svengali and the punishment of modern women who show their ankles.

To be frank, that movie was basically relying upon the star power of Cameron's two favorite character actors. That's like Repo Man levels of "seriously? n…nobody super famous to non-movie nerds in here?!".