Rory Dylan Gallagher

Second verse:

Dear Mr. Jericho,

He's a 90's wrestler, and one known for really intuitive insults as well. Without him, the world may never have known about the term "assclown".

Hey, the Bio-Dome soundtrack had both World Destruction and I Want Candy for 99 cents. That was all I needed.

I am a real American!
Fight for the right of every man!
Na na na na na na na-na… [sic]
Fight for what's right; FIGHT FOR YOU LIIIIFEE!

Change "work out" to "have one heckuva truck", honestly.

So drunk beatnik chicks and drunk married women equal good song choosers?

LCD Soundsystem reference.

Are you Ali, or Ali's sister?

Oh. So a Mark Millar plotline sucks goats again, but the movie's still good.

The Russo Bros. let me down by not giving Batroc a mustache. Or any sort of purple. And making him a white, yet Algerian guy. Is he L'Stranger?

We all do. Even Shia had too much dignity for Indy 4, because even he didn't know he sucked yet.

*from the bottom of the ocean*
Yes, this is James Cameron. Yeah, I still own some trademarks to Terminator related things. Go for it, TV guys.

I'd rather not bring curses into my romantic endevours, yes. One wrong ghost summon, and bam! Haunted vaginas everywhere.

And don't forget his pivotal cameo in "Sawbones Who?"

"Where do I know that name?", he pondered, as the bleeding and furious members of The Rolling Stones stormed onto the plane.

The college around here just loves In da Club for basketball games, to be honest.

I liked it. I just felt it was rushed, for some reason. Like, absurdly rushed. Maybe that was supposed to be in its favor, but other than the dream sequence, it's shot pretty realistically. I feel I would have enjoyed an outright absurd feel to it more, though.

And within it, he literally got captured by the Nazis a scene after getting left behind by the Russian dormitory he'd been hanging out in, had sex with an older attractive German woman on a train because his birthday was the same day as Hitler's and it turned her on, dreamed about Hitler and Stalin making out, was

Just make the werewolf girl a Southern debutante and the vampire girl a Midwestern farm-tomboy, and you've got my signatute, [Lack of Name].