Rory Dylan Gallagher


I literally had the idea for "vampire/werewolf Cagney & Lacey, but they're like Route 66 traveling private" like 2 years ago or so, and never wrote it down.

What's the funniest movie?

Really, I didn't. I guessed a lottle. Honestly. Didn't even have another female writer for Emma, y'know?

Yeah, seeing that after seeing First Class kind of threw me for a loop.

And Honor Blackwell! Or Diana Rigg.

Sonia would be the Black Queen Jean, then, huh?
Guess she was broken with mental flashbacks of being in The Following instead of colonial times.

Marah'd be Selene, at least.
Would John be Pierce or Shaw?
Nabin was Mastermind.
Todd was the fat guy who could manipulate mass. You probably killed him.

If I wanted to see good claw violence, I could track down the movie's videogame. Bone claws are never going to be cool, movies.

I liked Gambit, though. He was just the amount of smarmy I needed, and since Rogue wasn't alive then, he had no one to be charming to.

Within 45 seconds.

He's on the other team, to be honest.

Now you're gettin' it!

Disney fanatics, maybe.

Yay, Star Wars!

Remember that last fourth of Days of Future Past where Michael Fassbender just had so much fun with both facial acting and monologuing? Goddamn. Sir Ian better bring the funk in AOA, because Shame brought the noise there.

Your counterpoints are flawless.
You've overturned my finger-point blame based evidence.
Thank you, sir.

Aw, Peter Wisdom could have shown up!

Hey, if Lorna comes into the picture, that'll work for me. If Madeline Pryor comes into the picture…I'll be a happy man.

And yet, she's being played by another Australian "leading" star…