Roque Antonio Mocán Quan

This is one of most beautiful Opels ever:

While you wait for your appointment, here is the Apple Book for just $ 300

Why does he run like in the movies, when a car comes their way? Run perpendicular to the track! We are not in a movie and are allowed this!

Finally a Caddymazda

There are some nice technologies like the Hololens. But it is made by Microsoft, which is not a cool company according to journos...

I don't know... but the first generation Neon has this curve in the front fender, that is just about perfect. I liked it far more than the next generation, that looked like the tail was in the air.

If De Coubertin goal was to make the French military strong, why do it in Greece? Why rotate through different cities and countries?

I saw the original TED talk some months ago, and it was very impressive: they could hear the sound that made the vibrations... for example, by filming a bag o potato snacks throug a window, they could hear what was being spoken out of their sight.

Dat italian design...

I'll try the girl's T-zone in the Camels ad

A non-paramedic, non-first responder here. What if I encounter a Tesla overturned in a ditch? (or catching fire? Does that happen to Teslas?)

Lovely lady

And the check is tossed there in the back of the car... (can someone snatch it and run away?)

The issue I see is that when guests come, and that's when we want to show the art, then there is no art...

“Cue", actually?

Could this be used to find the missing Malaysia airplane?

Training will go like this: Press on the screen, look at the arrow, move the arms in the direction of the arrow.

I think MS shouldn't (cannot) kill Windows Phone. The reason is that Apple or Google can any day disallow Microsoft (competing) services. So Apple has SIRI, and could easily prohibit Cortana on their devices. This way, the services - which may be to what you are attached eventually - will always have an alternative

The AI is not tied to being spoken. You can write, or click some prompt from your calendar, or triggered by the gps and system knowing you are somewhere (bots talking to bots, in the last case)
