Roque Antonio Mocán Quan

Haas? Hover? Maybe they could hire a graphics designer for the logo

Maybe someone would buy it for a movie prop, or to put in pictures like Gattaca

The Crying Game... was it the ending, or not, because the reveal was not in the ending?

That A-10 cross section showing the gun is wrong... The gun is even bigger than that!

What I wonder, if these are circular tubes, is: how do they prevent the vehicle from rotating and then having everybody falling on the roof...

The question, though, is: would they prefer the iPad Pro? I think neither, for their use cases...

But not "strongly" (in the 3 Pro, they tend to fall)

You can easily connect two (or even three) external monitors to the Surface through the Micro DisplayPort

I don’t like this budines of killing the previos Hero/character at the start of the next movie. Why should I emotionally invest in a character, if I know that he/she will be killed anyway?

What I don't like is that it is like any other slab, with plastic things affixed. These flourishes look tacked on, not a part of the structure...

So, it is OK to burn ants, too

Can we vote to reinstate it?

Looks a bit japanese...

That would be Los Cobanos in El Salvador...

I would say AR has a leg over VR. With AR, you just darken the lenses, and you get VR for free. Another thought... AR will be far more difficult to develop for... as you are interacting with the real world, and not a world that you have constructed. You really cannot know beforehand where walls, furniture, etc. will

At least, they drew it right side up

Maybe the Surface 4 Pro (and not this Surface Book) would be the machine for you - who I assume is always on the go. Surface 4 Pro is more portable and less expensive. Or what about the even cheaper Surface 3 (without the Pro?)

No, because Apple leaves porn to Android. Apple is on a higher plane, beyond sex.

Being symmetrical means the same stampings could be used front and rear (I think Pinninfarina did a Peugeut showcar with those principles)

“Cray" computer? Well, it is "Crazy" powerful