Ross Kraz

Looks like an FC RX7 and a CRX had a kid. I dig it.

Any Volvo in the entire world is better than a Prius.


I can’t keep quiet about this anymore.

It’s the old Chevy of Theseus argument all over again.

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Martin Brundle said that the 190E had one of the best chassis ever fitted to a four-door saloon.

Pull into the intersection. If the intersection is big enough, pull up enough so another car behind you can get in too. That way when the light changes, you don’t screw over the person behind you, and you both make the light.
When people sit behind the line at an intersection, I want drag them out of their cars.

This is my biggest driving pet peeve. In regular driving conditions, you should always pull into the intersection and be ready to go if there’s a break in traffic or you get the green arrow. If the light turns yellow, you complete your turn so you’re not blocking the opposing traffic. It’s really pretty simple.

Now playing

Still the greatest song about driving trucks ever made.

Impressive video, but if I may:

God bless the flex

My 160cc Honda mower this week, while mowing tall grass, caught a piece of wire that had been moved from our garden. That piece hit me in the chest and caused me to have a hole in my shirts (thank goodness I had on a sweatshirt) and my skin. The bruise is 3" wide with the impact wound about .25" wide. Knocked the wind

I can push a mower faster than you can push a Challenger.

The tests came back and ARE the father!

Call me when it can handle this:

This reminds me of an ex-girlfriend who could do a similar trick with her tongue

We need more Torch on Tour articles. Every time you go out of the country or simply away from home, we get something awesome.