Ropin' Rodeo Nate

Well, "Pretty" is far, far more portrait-like than Black Coat, so, odds are it'll only add to your standing opinion. Perkins has some real technical chops and is clearly talented, and, I hope that he finds a writing partner who can hand him some kind of freaking narrative to work with.

Inland is a movie I love, but, I've found very little in the way of actual attempts at interpreting it online. Have you seen anything that you think is particularly astute? I'd really love to see more takes on this very, very underrated movie.

And, how cool, they solve a crime every week.

For you Midwest types, Central Waters Barleywine (bourbon barrel aged) is the one true Barleywine, IMO. Not too hoppy, not too sweet (less sweet than Weyerbacher's by far, which I consider to be candy drink), complex enough that it changes considerably as it warms.

Yeah, I don't think it's a scam for us readers at all, but, if I was buying advertising for someone, I'd feel a little scammed to know that a 'click' might just be some dope such as myself, scrolling past the add in a hurry because he didn't care about the music review he was whipping by, still being counted, thereby

Scott Weiland

I mean, it's 20 years later, so, she's very likely Bobby's daughter.

Yeah, I took it to mean that when the movie is establishing character, it's better, because Maclaine is still pretty talented and fun to watch, but, once the plot gears start grinding, there is no room for performance to save the day. Didn't seem confusing to me, but, I'm a real smartie.

Still waiting on my hard R Savage Dragon y'all.

(doesn't have to be funny to be a joke)

OK, but, there are definitely better ones on the shelf at your store. IPAs are easy for brewers to make and, despite what the current hoard of folks attempting to differentiate and elevate themselves via complaint will tell you, there is a lot of variety and nuance to the flavor. Are all of them good? No. There

Joke's on you cigarette; you're wrong!

I mean, my thing lately is quads, but hating on IPAs just because babies learn about 'em first as a gateway to real beer seems like a waste of energy to me.

The backlash against the IPA backlash starts now. Knock it off suckers, there are many great IPAs. Tired of IPAs? Cool, I kind of am too, but, instead of complaining about IPAs, I am now only going to complain about IPA complainers.

Citrahops baby. CITRAHOPS.

I love this comment so much. And, the answer is 2008.

They're popular, great albums. (Bafflement dispelled!)

Now seems like a fine time to mention that their new album Head Carrier has really grown on me and in fact, I like it now.

The King Club. Played with him there many times.

I like Robbie Fulks too but the offer thing is stupid and real-deal jerk material.