Ropin' Rodeo Nate

It's good!

Really, True Lies has a whole list of shit that doesn't play well today, including:

Yeah, I think that's pretty generous. I don't see Cameron as a 'lampoon big action' kind of guy.

She's just looking for that Harvey Keitel feel in a man, maybe in combination with an amazing sense of humor.

Yeah, she is perhaps less washed up than DeNiro and Keitel. (I think she's usually pretty good in everything she's in.)

It was culturally centered here, in America, and directly lead our country in to doing many dumb things. That's not to downplay the 2004 disaster or the many other terrible things that have happened in the world.

How many people died in 9/11? Fewer, and it did a lot of things to America's psyche.

Well, it's open-ended but I took it to mean he had a touch of what the kid had, making it easier for him to relate to and accept the kid's journey.

You people all clearly suffer from Kid Mouth. Grow up ya buds folks.

Yeah, Mockingbird looks really good but plot-wise, it really doesn't hold up.

If I really love the first Die Hard but really dislike the 2nd one, will I like the 3rd one?

I see you are not a student of history, or numbers, or common sense. Done arguing with you. Bye!

So, you're saying the Bushes didn't benefit more from 'big money'?

Iggy Pop? Same deal.

They're all cut from the same self-mythologizing self-consciously cool cloth, just like him. Each musician he's worked with has an "image" (in quotes) that they've self-curated. John Lurie? RZA? Jack White? All of 'em. There's a school of thought that being punk is "self creating" who you are, and that is

The guy is punk. If you can't see a fairly straight line in terms of the musicians he's worked with, you might not be the best guy to review this doc D'Angelo. (Normally I wouldn't argue about a thing like this, but you are Mr. Details when it comes to reviews normally; can't believe you're the one reviewing this

I think that over time, consensus has rallied around "Mighty Wind" as the very best Guest. Def agreed with the reviewer that Levy the secret sauce and the person who brings a lot of emotion to the scripts, and performance (along with O'Hara).

What kills me is that the tunes on the 'new' Pixies albums mostly aren't as good as the stuff FB put out as solo stuff, up to even the stuff on Bluefinger and SVN FNGRS.

Deep Roy is really great as the entire squad of Oompah Loompahs, tho the songs don't really hold up as well as the original's.

Man, I've tried to read House of Leaves but found the writing so off-putting that I've quit early on twice. If you don't like the first 30 pages or so, y'all think it's a lost cause?