Ropin' Rodeo Nate

I actually just read "Plot" last month for similar reasons. Pretty good! I think it kind of just runs out of gas at the end but lots of good writing and more enjoyable reading than I normally find Roth to be.

The real moral this: never trust musicians.


Your statement is incorrect, but your attitude is a-ok.

Over 40 and still rockin'!

Disagree. "Giallo" as a style is yeah, stylish, but the genre is more straightforward murder-mystery. Suspiria exists outside that somewhat; it's a horror movie (and a fantasy movie) made by someone who was making Giallos.

Watching both Inferno and Mother of Tears (and boy have I), it's clear that Argento thinks what people love about these movies are their intricate mythologies, not the bug-fuck, borderline surreal scenes.

I've only read "The Plot Against America", and that has one.

And yet. When someone talks about a mixtape, they mean what I say.

Usually it means they're given away for free, and so, they don't 'clear' the samples.

It's that the plot makes like, no sense. I mean, this is also what makes the movie great, that it sort of approximates nightmare logic, but I think Nolan references (and I'd agree) that it seems unintentional.

Yep. Also, the Thing had middling reviews and bad box office at the time. It's all roses in hindsight y'all.

Nope. Old Guy Cover Band is not the epitome of cool, regardless of how close and loving their relationships are; please use Google to come up with a better epitome of cool.

And rightwingnuthunter is digging in to 'em!

The real embarrassment is YOUR COMMENT! But for real, "a perfect legacy" doesn't pay bills.

Yeah, I really do think "Pop" gets maligned by the band primarily just because it underperformed commercially. They are and for a long, long time, have been try-hards and an album's performance really informs its quality in their eyes. Fucking Bono.

Yep. It ain't rocket science folks!

I thought the acting in "Pod" was bad enough as to ruin the movie, but I'm totally curious to see the new movies Keating has put out this year, as the direction/vibe of "Pod" almost made up for the terrible acting.

Let me know when we can smoke weed in there maaan.

Keith Richards: Amazingly Still Alive Until You Remember He's Crazy Rich