Ropin' Rodeo Nate

Yeah, I think the great unsaid is that R.E.M. were the band that were "in the scene" but were fastest to sell-out and basically used it for their own career-minded goals. And maybe that's fair, though I really love 'em. I do wish they were written about more in the book though, because it's fascinating how many

Gotta say, basically all of his recordings from the '50's are amazing, regardless of the quality of the song. The guy really could take any piece of crap thrown at him and turn it in to gold.

I thought "Wasteland" was one of his best, and I like all his albums to some extent (Transistor is probably my fav). It seems to me that all of the reviews for Wasteland boiled down to "oh man, more of the same, why is he not David Bowie" type criticism, which I have a problem with; not everyone needs to sound

Yeah, they're great! The first Kevin Morby solo album is pretty solid too. Second one felt a little slight, but I've heard that the 3rd one is gonna be pretty cool.

Dowd Verdict - B- (that's out of a possible C- to B- available)

Intrigued that they skip most of their recent stuff in favor of what is widely seen as "the good stuff". I mean, it's a people pleasing move for sure, but it maybe shows a touch of awareness that perhaps nothing from "Wilco: The Album" merits revisiting, which, well, I'd agree with that.

And then the community at large judges you for A) paraphrasing/ripping off Nick Cave, B) holding on to stuff you don't like in your library and C) complaining about the boring music in your boring music library boringly.

Put me down as someone who finds Suspiria scary. A lot of Argento works for me like it sounds like it works for y'all (appreciation of scenes, score, some visuals, but overall leaves me cold), but Suspiria straight up spooks me - just rewatched it for like the 4th time last month and it still really works for me as

Yep, pretty much likewise.

I just finished Purity last month and in fact, really dug it. Freedom left me a little cold but Purity holds up much better and comes together better in the end. It's…PURE READING ENJOYMENT!

It's like the four show choir kids from your school who were always talking about show choir started a band. No dice.

He's not really hard or not hard on them. I think his range of ratings is like 99% in the C+ to B+ range. But his writing always, always reads like he doesn't like the movie very much. I think he's killing time here or something.


Ugh. "Good thing it's scary." Even when Dowd likes movies I like, his reviews make me want to never see them. Stop it Double A.


"That’s the thing about teaser trailers: To put the best foot forward, they often isolate the good from the bad, creating some perfect, seconds-long cut of an imperfect, hours-long movie." - A.A. Dowd, 2016 - Super helpful and insightful Sr. Cloud.

No, we did not.

Not these days - all days.

Sounds like you'll like the new one too then!

Man, I sure wish this had been directed by Gordon instead. Most of the really good stuff in this movie comes from him and Paoli IMO.