Ropin' Rodeo Nate

Noel has the backs of good horror movie lovers! Thank you Noel!

I really get a "Suspiria" vibe off of The Woods, in a good way. It's really well acted and shot. Agreed that the script ends up showing it's holes though.

Huh! Is this good? I have literally never heard of it.

Beard, mustache, what's the diff?

I have to say, I used to be a country radio DJ and I met a ton of famous country folks and Kenny Rogers was the only one that I'd accuse of being a jerk.

I have a really great Tom Waits album that I think is sort of bootleg called "Romeo Is Bleeding" - it's a live recording from I think the late 70's and it's amazing.

No! That's why he gets that introducing credit!

…and introducing Michael Madsen.

I'd say High Tension is real effective and helped lead the wave of 2000's slashers.

Yes, definitely.

If you're surprising her with breakfast from McDonald's, you can do better and you know it.

Yeah, if you're going to have a drug addiction that makes you unreliable and want to recover from it and come back to a career, be a dude, not a lady.

I just started Black Dahlia too! Liking it so far!

Yeah, that's just silly. It's maybe overrated but it's far from the worst of Dylan's work and has a lot of high points. But Blood (and the era surrounding it, going from New Morning through Desire) is sure as hell the best Dylan era, IMO.

Except for that bridge! I'm guessing Carly or someone else wrote that; Blood Orange guy is usually pretty content to vamp on his groove the whole time. The bridge really cuts through (in a nice way)!

Man, the song "Carol Brown" kind of blows my mind; lots of their songs are well-written, but this one in particular really hits the sweet spot for me. It's a legit great song!

Huh - I thought the Lone Gunment done got killed.


Here's the thing; I think Romero is super, super overrated as a horror director (and this comes from someone that loves horror and loves the original NOTLD). He has issues controlling tone, he doesn't get good performances out of actors, and his movies always feel too long.

So, what it really sounds like is the stuff that was going on in between YHF and AGIB; the More Like The Moon EP and especially the stuff that came out with the Wilco Book. It's pretty neat!