Ropin' Rodeo Nate

I actually really liked "You Will Meet"; I've liked most of his recent stuff to some degree, but found that one to be surprisingly fun and satisfying. I have pretty low expectations of Woody these days and that probably does help.


Awesome! I picked it up but haven't broken in to it yet. I think Giant Sand has been on a hell of a roll over the last six years or so and it blows my mind that they're not a bigger deal.

I just wanted to add that Giant Sand is also really great, and that their album that came out last year "Giant Giant Sand" is particularly great.

Are there any Kickass 2 apologists out there? I am seriously considering watching it this weekend. (Never seen it.)

Yes, we definitely can't have both. That being said, you have chosen incorrectly.

It's a grower - at first it felt like a let down after the pretty great run of reunion albums, but it grew on me a lot. But I wouldn't start with it. (Also, saw them on the Cool Planet tour and "All American Boy" felt like a goddamn anthem. Tobin's big moment for sure. Someone handed out tons of tiny U.S. Flags

The thing to know about it is that it's produced by Full Moon and it feels like it; it's clearly low budget and they don't make it work for 'em as well as they do in Reanimator.

I'll tell you what's not over-used - unabashed enjoyment of something, and that's what I got going on with Mr. Hayden. He is not flashy and he doesn't have a "I recorded this in my parent's cabin" story, but man, the songs are great.

This guy is real underrated!

Yah, horror in the 90's from say, 1991-1997 is a pretty damn rough patch. Nothing was scary, nothing was good.

I thought it was really well done. Creepy, ominous, etc.


Man, if it makes Kate McKinnon more famous, that's enough for me.

The Belush is praying for it each night.

Yeah, City of the Living Dead is a lot better; better effects, fairly effective creepy/ominous vibe, etc. That one is Lucio Fulci, who is crazy uneven, but was far more capable of solid work than Lenzi, who is the very definition of a hack.

Man, their song titles are really static to me; I can never remember what's what because they're so gibberish-esque.

Yeah, this album is great, and Sonny Smith has been pretty consistently great ever since "I Miss The Jams". This review however, is, well, a little underwritten. Essentially, it doesn't say how the album sounds; I feel like that's a baseline requirement.

I'm disappointed that I have to be the first one that points out that Father John Misty is terrible - c'mon guys.

So what old guy rock band will Dangermouse work with next? The Rolling Stones? Yes, I'll guess it's the Rolling Stones.