Ropin' Rodeo Nate

Saw the headline, knew it was DOWD CLOUD at it again.

I'd rate Write About Love just above "Fold Your Hands Blah Blah", which is to say it's one of their weakest. The good songs are great! But, there are not as many good ones, and the second half is particularly thin. Loved the two albums before it, so, I have high hopes for the new one.

I should follow this up with mentioning that I watch a lot of low budget horror/thriller/indie movies and I was very stoked for Proxy, but, I thought it was terrible. This really feels like Mike has seen too many movies and is now sporting an ironic mullet of an opinion here.

"I am ambivalent about it, and in general, film!" -DowdClowd 2014-

No. How can one D'Angelo be so wrong?

Yeah, so, you are looking for a different thing than most people who pay to see a band they like. Most people want to see a band play the songs they know and like. Reunion tours are a great venue for that. Is that hard to understand?

Also, the drumming is super boring. Black and Santiago bring it and the tunes are great, but, in addition to the production being overly-beefy and stupid, the drumming is pretty plodding and boring and is pretty not-Pixies sounding. Also agree that the release strategy was dumb and I also think the sequencing is

Mountain Battles is my absolute fav; I think Kim Deal has continued to get better and think that the off-the-cuff style she really worked with post "Last Splash" has really paid off as of late. (Also love her solo singles)

Whitest Kids you Know sometimes farts out something funny, but good God, they're way under par on the hit/miss ratio to most other modern sketch shows, and their bad stuff is really, really painfully bad.

WITH backups from the Jayhawks!

The Vic Chesnutt one is really good too! It's a bit more scattered in style than the Victoria Williams one, but has a lot of great stuff. Some of the best stuff comes from surprising sources: Hootie & The Blowfish, Dog Eye's View, late-era Soul Asylum.

Agreed - it's a huge, huge let down. They seem to have kind of abandoned the very loose 'rules' of the first two, and even just as stand-alone horror shorts, they're not very good. Definitely the middle one is strongest, with "Dante" not even really being a horror movie.

X-files - Kolchek The Night Stalker. YEAH YEAH YEAH!

Well, this is cool. She can be really great and Tarantino is pretty likely to get a solid performance out of her, feet or no feet.

I think it has to be said that Jodorowsky's Dune (the movie, not the doc) is a hell of a lot more fun to TALK about than it would have been to watch. It's a great might-have-been that almost definitely would have been a huge disappointment in practice.

Oh! Also, I always forget but just remembered that "Bach's Bottom" is a kind of word joke about how far Chilton had fallen from the Box Tops. Delightful!

I'd probably Cherrypick; all those multiple versions of the same songs are really just alt-takes that are similar, Jesus Christ is interesting but essentially a drunk-live take on the Big Star song and I've always thought "I Love The Walking Dead" was too sloppy to enjoy. But! Lots of good stuff, and the tunes w/

Bangkok is actually pretty unique in that Chilton played all of the instruments on it himself (w/ the other stuff being fairly live-ish, tracking-wise); that's why it sounds particularly strung-out (especially the drums).

Yup, this. Bach's Bottom is must-have and if you combine that with the good stuff off of I Am The Cosmos (which isn't an album per se, just a collection of random tracks recorded across a bunch of years), you have a pretty great Big Star-eque album.

You are incorrecto, hence the no mention.