
Another whiny millennial stating opinion as “Hard Truth.

How exactly we in the liberal media have managed to get so many other countries...

that is what I was thinking too...


Bullshit. Nothing is free, and every time he says ‘free’ he’s telling a lie.

Translation: Bankers are idiots.

eh. It is 5:04. what do I have to stay up for?

Came here to say this. Another entitled millennial who thinks free is good, or even possible. 


Sorry my mistake

From the reimagined BSG: The Mark I eyeball.

I’ve been right there with you since I first hear d the word Autopilot spewed by a dumbass salesman. I got made fun of as a Luddite who didn’t understand software, computer or the speed possible.

You are proving yet again your fucktardiness.

‘ = foot

Now playing

I don’t think “ means what you think it means

  1. Koenigsegg

I was more interested in watching Musk go to prison


Ha! That is particularly funny since I just despise Buicks.