Three pillars. Can have two doors and still be a sedan.
Agreed. I withdraw my statement.
Plus, I (can) stream music and video from my tablet anyway.
Man, I don’t know. I’ve worked for a ton of bosses who want the impossible, yesterday with zero resources. The current boss allows me to do what I like and usually just pays me to be smart, so when he boss says “I want a new enterprise application designed and the schema, middle tier, and UI designed (see that Oxford…
Nah, moving business pictures.
Yeah, you know me.
Time for a new employer.
I thought they made transportation appliances, not cars.
two words: head set. you are going to have to skype (or equivalent) with someone during the day anyway, so just plug ‘em in.
The FXV looks like a Saturn.
I see what you did there. I always thought it was sob story.
put one in it.
Schrödinger doesn’t make cars. Neither Does Heisenberg. Duesenberg, maybe.
Two words: sharp edges where pop tops used to live, no thank you.
Vaporized piss. Piss steam.
I don’t know, there were no airplanes before Bernoulli.
See the post about dangly bits above.
your bits dangle?