Justin Ross

I would watch the hellout of that movie. We can tie it into American Gods. Somebody call Neil Gaiman.

Sean Michael Spicer opens up some good opportunities.

I get them sometimes. They are the grossest things. Possibly the worst smell I’ve ever encountered.

Awesome. Thank you for the reply. I can definitely see what you mean about Bernie having “drunk his own kool-aid”. That wasn’t how I saw it, but I get where you’re coming from on it.

That’s a really great point, actually. Yet another reason we need to increase the number of districts (and therefore representatives and electoral votes) drastically. It gets a lot harder to gerrymander districts the closer you get to representation.

I did, indeed miss that. Apologies.

Yeah, Bernie definitely failed to get PoC voters behind him. It’s understandable, because his campaign was, for a long time, basically “economy, economy, economy, economy” for pretty much every problem, including race issues. Now, I fully agree that economic inequality is, if not the basis for, at least the vehicle

I kinda figured I would, but surprisingly enough, even the critical responses have been pretty reasonable. Good conversations thus far.

“Older”? Ouch, Wasabi. I am not even ALMOST to my mid-life crisis, I’ll have you know. Just shitty hair genes from my dad. :(

Yeah, that’s fair enough. I should rephrase. I meant tone, not content. She said a lot of shit that I was like “fuck yeah” (because I do actually agree with Hillary on ... well, not everything, but lots and lots of things), but it was kind of always in this weird “how did I get here” cadence, so my “fuck yeah” tended

The article I linked didn’t say that the DNC rigged the primary for Hillary. It said the DNC pushed for (and ultimately got) GOP candidates that it thought it could more easily defeat, and that their strategy backfired pretty majestically.

I personally don’t think that the DNC “rigged” anything. I think they showed

As I pointed out in another reply: that assumes that every one of those votes would have gone to Hillary. By that same logic, all of Trump’s voters fucked us.

I mean, if Jill Stein wasn’t in the election and *EVERY* Jill Stein voter had voted for Hillary (which is a pretty big assumption) ...

As a Bernie supporter that was realistic enough to vote for Hillary “just in case” (even though I live in California and there was basically no way it would matter here): yeah, keep pushing the DNC line about how Bernie and Stein supporters fucked all of us. They were definitely the *real* problem. /s

Ugh. WHY ARE THE OBAMAS SO FUCKING CLASSY AND AMAZING? If they were just mediocre, it would make all of this easier to handle.

Because the plural of “anecdote” is “data”, right?:

Hahaha, I trust you. It just means we should be besties IRL. And play the HGTV “open concept” drinking game.

I love open floor plans, but the term “open-concept” as an adjective drives me *crazy*. Like nails on a chalkboard.

“That was *my* wife you decided to-” “fuuuuuuuuuuuu...”

Californian. I totally do this. Shorts, too, if it isn’t *too* cold out. Shorts and flip-flops in the rain = no wet shoes or pant bottoms.