Justin Ross

Don’t feel too bad. I only know who she is because I saw her season of The Voice. I have not heard anything about her since then.

My wife and I are rewatching it right now. Mostly her, because she’s out on maternity leave, and I don’t have the heart to tell her to wait until I get home, but anyway:

Paraplegics can be assholes, too.

I’m gonna unilaterally decide that “sarcasmic” is the adjective form of sarcasm.

I don’t see a coupon code. Am I just clueless?

I don’t see a coupon code. Am I just clueless?

A great tip I picked up a while back: use wonton wrappers in place of lasagna noodles. They’re super-thin, already soft, and also don’t require cooking. They’re also perfect for thousand-layer lasagna (which is really the best way to do lasagna).

Haha, it’s the line on their site! It had to be in the diagram. :)

Hahaha, thanks! :)

I think everyone’s misunderstanding the measurement.

True. As a northern californian, though, I am contractually forbidden from discussing the existence of the Los Angeles area outside of mentioning Disney vacation plans.

California resident here. California is only a blue state because there are so many people in the Bay Area. The rest of California, by and large, is redneck/conservative AF. Even Sacramento, which acts like a progressive “real city” has its fair share of cow-town dudebros. We barely manage to keep it blue.

Yup. One for me and one for my wife. She got a gold 7Plus, and I went with a Black 7Plus. Hers should arrive Friday. Mine sometime between October 4 and 10 (even though mine was ordered first). :(

If you like sci-fi, check out the book Pushing Ice. It offers a really interesting take on/solution to that topic.

So, I cannot figure out where we heard this, but we touched onto rumors about this feud on my podcast (shameless self-promotion #sorrynotsorry) during our Furious 7 episode back in April 2015:… (16:30ish), so if it’s fake, either it got resolved back then and they decided to fake it

I think this is what Kaiser offers as the “generic” version of the epipen. At least, the packaging looks identical to the ones I get from the Kaiser pharmacy, except that mine are black with a bright yellow cap (100% same style other than color, though).

Same. Lots and lots of spitting. I mean, if you spit enough, presumably you’re going to dehydrate yourself, so ... *shrug*

To answer the “why” on two colors of Pandemic Legacy:

To answer the “why” on two colors of Pandemic Legacy:

I picked this one up with my last PC build, and really like it. It’s simple, sturdy, nice and clicky (but not *obnoxiously* loud).

I picked this one up with my last PC build, and really like it. It’s simple, sturdy, nice and clicky (but not

“Official regulations?” Like, military?

You know... I can only find vague references to a drunk argument they got in around the time of F&F7, but for some reason, I had it in my head that they just didn’t like each other, basically since around then.