Justin Ross

Everything’s a fucking competition to some people.

Born and raised US American here. You’re absolutely right. Hand over your heart is for the pledge of allegiance. Anthem is just standing, but many choose to put their hand over their heart (which I *think* started with military/others removing hats during the anthem out of respect, and holding it generally over the

I think it’s pretty well-established at this point that Vin and The Rock can’t stand each other.

Very cool!

Very cool!

This looks like a very similar quad to the FQ777-124 that Banggood sells. Different controller, but the copter body looks almost identical.

This looks like a very similar quad to the FQ777-124 that Banggood sells. Different controller, but the copter body

I learned this as a child, from Jonathan Brandis’s imaginary friend, Chuck Norris.

Hmmm... I’ve seen just “early 80s”. Still, you’re borderline enough, I’m okay with letting you choose whether you’re a millennial or not. :)

Uh, I’m 34 and I’m a millennial. I’m pretty sure you’re a millennial.

Mine showed up today. $180. Should help with decorating the nursery.

You’re absolutely right. At the same time, I don’t think you can really call yourself a teacher if you’ve never thought “what an asshole” about a student.

Hah thanks!

Overcast is *so* good, and free!

I do appreciate their existence, though, as seeing their domain gives me an easy way to tell when someone posting a link should just be ignored.

Why am I not at all surprised to see perpetual shitbag Durianrider show up in this nonsense? Like, even if he wasn’t dating Freelee, I wouldn’t have been surprised to see his special brand of bullshit rearing its ugly, banana-smeared head.

Oh yeah. I *totally* want to get a bidet. Just wiping with paper is weird. It’s like, if I walked up and smeared poop on your arm, would you just wipe it off with dry toilet paper? No way.

Oh yeah. I *totally* want to get a bidet. Just wiping with paper is weird. It’s like, if I walked up and smeared

I don’t know about actual research, but we just bought one of these last week. After a couple of poops with it... I don’t see what all the fuss is about.

I don’t know about actual research, but we just bought one of these last week. After a couple of poops with it... I

The mouse has an “ambidextrous form factor”, because it’s symmetrical. No way to switch the side of the mouse pad, though.

Is the problem that it’s too easy for men to be feminists, or that it’s too hard for women to be?