
Because most of the things he described are things that men of all races do to women.

Girl, I wanna troll the greys so hard for this post specifically.

Seems like the root is becoming more and more anti black male. Very sad. It sucks they are joining the other Gawkmondo properties in creating a white friendly version of progressiveness that’s easy to gluten-sensitive white digestive tracks because we can still hate black men and be woke.

You could make the same argument about men of all races we really all are a problem.

But at least he stands for the anthem. That’s gotta count for something, right?

Since Jobs had the an eye for typography... And detail. So Apple products will never be of the same standard.

The next time someone complains that violence is not the answer, ask them why the hell we as a culture glorify war heros, football and the second ammendment. Violence is THE American answer.

Superior race my ass. Why do they all have glass jaws?

Yeah, Milo Yianopolis seems to ignore that the objects of his little fashy fetish tried to exterminate the gays too.

Never a wrong time for this one:

Hey violence is bad when you’re someone who’s so far down the Nazi kill list you have at least 6 months to get out while others are rounded up for their little trainrides.

That was beautiful. 😂😂😂

I’d just like my sisters and brothers to be safe while they shut down St. Racist and hopefully the good internet will forever haunt that “judge” and that murderer now and forever, Amen.

Holy shit! That’s an adorable puppy!

It is too early for this. Damn, this was hard to read. I’m so enraged.

It is too early for this. THOSE .BOYS .HANGED. A. EIGHT. YEAR .OLD.

Two shattered ankles on the first bosu ball, followed by a concussion as I rolled off the mats onto the hardwood floor. I am not graceful.

Nobody thought it was strange that the titles of two of his collections were “Tous Les Yeux Sur Moi” and “Strictement Pour Mes Niggas” 

Interesting back story - looks like a good movie in the making...

And that motherfucker who comes in and tries to explain why she was wrong. I just want to punch him in the face.