
Sorry mate, thought a spoiler warning would be enough. Disqus could use a built-in spoiler tag.

They've reviewed every other episode this season. They could at least give us a placeholder…

There is talk in a Zap2it interview about them whacking characters. Not sure if it's the one he is talking about.

I've yet to check it out, but CBS All Access may be worth looking into (I'm not sure they stream POI).

Totally worth binging, though!

Scorpion is just… no.

I think it may be Shaw too. Though after what happened with Carter, it's anyone's guess.

I hope it isn't Root!

She deserves it, but I seriously doubt it will happen. Emmy voters don't seem to know a good performance when it happens, well, right in front of their face. Just look at this years nominations; only a few deserving shows and actors were nominated this year, with so many others being left out.

IB Times quoted Plageman saying "How we keep it fresh is we kill people. I have to call an actor tomorrow to let them know…"-G. Plageman ".

Reese was shot in episode 10, "Number Crunch". If you stopped at just episode 11, you need to go back and watch season one. You can't just stop a few episodes into the first season.

That sounds about right, but we'll have to wait and see.

I hope NCIS: NO turns out to be good. I can't take another poor spin off. And it would be nice to have a good lead-in for POI.

Hopefully the show gets a bit more media coverage this season. It definitely deserves it.

Oh man, don't remind me of that episode.

Yep. :(

This is what happens when you get a lead in by NCIS: NO.

Same here.