“I’m still projecting.”
“I’m still projecting.”
“I’m going to resort to sexism to go along with my racism because I’m gay and cannot tell my friends.”
“I needed a new burner to show everyone that I am still the hypocrite who claims The Root is racist by putting words in the mouths of the writers when there is nothing to substantiate my claims. I’m an insufferable, uneducated, mouth-breathing maggot consumed by hate.”
“I’m not saying blackface is fine. I’m just saying that blackface is ok.”
“I don’t know anything about history but I still have opinions.”
“Blackface is fine.”
“I’m trying to pretend I’m trolling The Root while all I think about is cock.”
“If Nike offered me millions of dollars I wouldn’t accept it because I couldn’t sellout my role as a racist piece of shit on The Root.”
“I’m not smart or funny but I think I am. Even though my shtick is played out.”
“Bigotry is merely a point of view.”
“I’m too stupid to know that I am racist.”
“Racist people create and implement racist rules for a reason.”
“Why do you need to play this out so publicly? Even naming the flight attendant congresswoman. It’s just an exercise in intimidation and ego on your part. Grow up.”
“Slavery is only slavery if it is this specific type of slavery, otherwise, it isn’t slavery.”
“I don’t know how to play chess.”
“Donald Trump Jr. = Harper Lee”
“I’m a unique individual who believes everyone else belongs to groups of identity.”
“I have nothing to say so I’m just going to show everyone my inflated sense of self-importance.”
“I’m racist.”