
Mechanical versions of the human centipede.

The live action version of The Guyver was Mark Hamill's greatest role!

In episode VIII Adam Driver plays another character, Matt the radar technician, and no explanation is EVER given.

Mark of the yeast.

Surprise! Peter Jackson is directing!

Rawhead Rex?

It costs 50 incest indeed.

Yawn. Wake me up when they make the brood 'wich movie.

Jesus Christ that picture is terrifying

The prize is disappointment!

Yes, but adding the Poochy character was a bit much.

Beef swelling.

When I become a famous author I'll wear a train contractor's hat, it'll be my thing.

On today's latest shilling for Amazon, a bunch of overpriced shit!

I was fired from my phone psychic sex chat hotline when all my advice devolved into boner suicide.

Of course he fucking named his daughter Harley Quinn.

Kevin Smith wears the jorts of madness.

What is it like working with PFFR?

Oh boy! I can't wait to see how many narrative dead ends this season has!

According to the new Disney continuity, this takes place between A New Hope and The Emperor's New Groove.