
I always thought the name Patti Mayonnaise was a not so subtle nod to Doug wanting to inseminate her.

I liked the spin off show better, Angry Boners.

The Joker's origin in this movie is that he fell into a chemical vat at the Hot Topic factory.

If the movie is a flop, at least they'll have this version of Harley Quinn to make merchandise of until the end of time.

This newest update to League of Legends sure is weird.

Also this episode reminded of the show's creator had a tweet about Zootopia was good but didn't have enough fucking in it.

No it's called Bojack because horse is another name for Heroin! That line killed me.

I loved the Paleo rocket. Way too many of my coworkers were into that stupid fad diet.

This season has really upped the ante on background jokes and references. I'm pausing all the time to check them out.

Calling it now, Quincannon's assistant is Featherstone and she is a spy for the grail.

Pfft. Everyone knows that Jack Chick Publications is really a Scientology front to sell spiritual Amway to unsuspecting Papists!

Lisa needs braces, and religion!

+1 for Ranma 1/2 reference.

He looks exactly what I imagined the author of a vampire novel would be.

William drive bus

The only bad thing was Seth Rogen's commercial shilling sausage party.

Tina seems to be a likely canidate for being a future Bad Dragon customer.

Damn, Gina!

Pfft what's next? Federal grants for ventriloquists? That's the lowest form of entertainment. It's down there with snuff films and donkey shows.