
And get attention. Let’s say you don’t want to take a gig because you don’t like the client. Do you say that to the person? No, you make an excuse, say you’re busy. Their reasons are wrong, but they could just have turned down the couple saying they were swamped. Instead the chose to do it in a way that guaranteed

As a former caterer, it's also a stupid thing to do. I cooked for plenty of people I wouldn't share a meal with. 

Assholes love religion because it gives them a seemingly legitimate excuse to be assholes.

It actually...kinda works on her. The eyebrows pull it all together. 

Please enjoy this slideshow of celebrities who have eaten their placentas.

I don’t think this article is arguing one way or the other. The takeaway that I had is the entire discussion around this matter is seen almost exclusively through the male gaze, which shapes the discussion and decisions that follow.

Yes, if you’re over 6 foot (or even near it) and female you hear shit about it ALL THE TIME.  This isn’t some contrived scenario for a teen rom-com.

Honestly? I think Tom Cruise is such a carefully programmed robot that he would just laugh it off with a big laugh, make a pithy joke about Zac Effron being 5'8, and quietly whisper to the interviewer that he’ll murder everyone he’s ever loved if they bring it up again. 

I’m confused. Being over 6 foot as a girl is something that people are super self conscious about, because they are treated differently both romantically and by their peers. Even attractive women over 6'0 are often crippled with self consciousness. Many men want nothing to do with dating them, there’s a lifetime of

This is what I would imagine Tom would say, “It pays quite well, thank you. Since I have a fetish for taller than me women, my options are endless. My biggest hurdle there is getting them to sign a NDA and joining my cult. Speaking of hurdles, yeah I have those written out of my contracts for obvious reasons.”

I would love to see Tom get asked, “What’s it like to be a short old guy in a tall young guy’s world?”

Free’ was actually FREE. No need for quotes. Yes, these people were on the hook for taxes, but every single person was still better off for it. This article is written in a tone that makes it seem that some people were put in a worse situation due to this promotion. Yeah, some people couldn’t afford the taxes, but

The additional tax burden might have diminished the elation, but not one of the recipients was worse off for having been given a fucking car.

someone should create a documentary which tracks down these audience members, have them recount the experience and show us how the car, if still in their possession, has fared.

Oh no! They had to pay taxes on a free car!

I’ve read in many places that the Queen actually enjoys seeing herself depicted in movies and on TV, but how would anyone know this? Aside from Philip, maybe. I can’t imagine her wandering through the stables with a groom and saying casually to them, “I don’t suppose you saw Helen Mirren playing me in ‘The Queen,’

I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a job qualification.

This probably makes me sound like a horrible feminist, but I really don’t give a flying fart that you had kids and also worked, considering you have enough money to pay for good childcare and health insurance without having to worry about paying your rent.  I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a

I find gymnastics amazing to watch.  What these athletes are able to do is almost super human. Then you realize, pretty quickly, that you are looking at children - any sport where you are “burnt out” or “too old at 19 is essentially child abuse.

Be a good person. The bar is set really fucking low.