
You know, if I really like a game, then see that the devs had to cancel the sequel because they went bankrupt because too many people pirated the game, it does hurt me too, even if not directly.

When I was young, I used to pirate games as well, I know it is just a cheap excuse but, I live in a 3rd World Country, games here used to cost 2.5 ~ 3 times the price of USA for example, a 50$ game? This would cost 150$ here without any DLC, and we are already have a less average year profit so, buying games used to

Piracy got me through my teenage years. Never had much money, and always tried to find things to show my friends. Then I started working, now I have around 900 games on steam. I bought Witcher 3 on the launch day with the season pass. I bought DS2 and DS3 on the launch day, and I’ve bought so many things at full price

“Any time there’s a story about “Why people pirate games,” there’s always a comment section full of 800 judgemental people talking about why pirates should feel bad.”

Agreed. I also used to download games when I was a teen in the 00's. Then steam came and the only game I’ve downloaded in like 10 years has been 2004's The Punisher simply because I didn’t find it for sale anywhere.