
Holy shit Ted Lieu fucking killing it: “We don’t live in a theocracy, do we Ms. Richards?”

Y do you Axis?

His point being that cancer kills, and we could “quadruple” cancer spending if we only defunded Planned Parenthood.

You’re wayyyy too low. You need to add 1 for each person who worked at 38 Studios that got shit-canned.

What’s the over/under on how many Thanksgivings Curt has ruined? He’s 48, so I’m going to put it at 20.

a special glimpse into what harry caray’s college football commentating career would have sounded like

Harper has never had a problem with a teammate. Ever. Sometimes he unthinkingly runs his mouth. Sometimes he doesn’t hustle like he should. But he has never had a problem with anyone on his team. I am comfortable saying this is 100% on Papelbon. And, yes, the Nationals better get Harper’s back.

While Harper is an arrogant dickbag quite often, I would not blame him in the slightest for demanding a trade if Papelbon is still on the 40-man roster tomorrow.

Bad news for . . . the people who love them

I can’t wait until the republican party is reduced to a room full of angry white elderly men shouting at each other, and constantly peering around the blinds of their windows to see if there any any of “those types” on the front lawn.

Sweet baby arugula...

Thank Jeebus one on that side is willing to call this out. EVERYONE KNOWS it won't get the vote. And EVERYONE KNOWS the President would veto it if it did. Stop hamstringing the government over something only a tiny vocal minority of your constituents want!!!

I’m going to assume that I don’t agree with the Senator about very much, but at least she seems to be a responsible adult, unlike many of her colleagues.

I can’t even imagine how you could whip yourself into enough of a frenzy to bother making a sign and heading to a demonstration in favor of a language.

If he ever finds out who those guys are, I bet he will intentionally cause an offensive or harmful touching of them. At the very least he will intentionally place them in reasonable apprehension of an imminent offensive or harmful touching. He may even intentionally enter their land without a lawful excuse to do so.

That last one is just a Bratz(TM) doll, right?

She seems to have had different shades as well.

It looks to me like the shape of her chin, jaw and cheeks was altered, and it’s not just losing “baby fat” or the effect of the huge inflated lip-pillows. Her bowl-like, protruding boobs and butt seem outside what would be expected in such a young girl or even most mature women, but I draw the line at trying to do

Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.

You may now cast your bets on who falls out of the clown car next as it careens, out-of-control, towards 2016.