
Butter Trump is still under fire for his comments about how Canola Oils are all a bunch of Rapeseeds.


Oh, salad! I love you most of all.

Like, I don’t even understand her face, you guys.

Where have I seen crazy eyes like that before...hmmm...

Well, I like Trump because I’m a liberal and he seems to be derailing the conservatives. But that’s probably not the answer you’re looking for. ;)

Can someone be placed under psychiatric observation based on a picture? Someone needs to take hold of that woman and pull her back into the firm embrace of reality.

Man, that’s a lot of white people.

The Raven who threw the punch will be cut on Monday. Not for punching someone, but for not doing it in an elevator as team policy dictates.

Reached for comment, Garrard said that, in the grand scheme, there’s almost no difference between the person who serves the Grand Slam and the one who eats it.

I would rather get another abortion than watch that video, tbh

I’ve been toying with the idea of “gladenfreude”, where I try to find vicarious joy in other people’s good fortune. But that can wait until tomorrow. For tonight, my friends, we freude the schaden. (I mean, if I can barge in?)

I would agree with everything Kweli said, if they were disrupting every other candidate too. Or even most other candidates. Hell, SOME other candidates.

Yeah, except the rule specifically excludes insects. Here’s the rule:

Math is just liberal mumbo jumbo, like science. Psh.

Math is absolute reason, they do not play that game.

There’s math? Nobody told them there’d be a math test. Not fair!

Why single out Trump, though? Have any of the nominees done the math? Have any of the dyed in the wool supporters done the math? Has Fox News done the math?

I do not like this outfit. I do not like this picture. I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere.

His rationale for such a decision is two-fold Huckabee explained, it protects both fetus and mother: “There are two victims. One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.