
I wonder what our good AG would be saying about collecting atty fees if he had won.

This is the first time a Jets player has been publicly cold-cocked since Brett Favre sent that picture to Jenn Sterger from the team’s ice-bath.

I feel the same thing about the 30 pages or so that I wrote with the monitor off

Biggest surprise of this whole story, the kid was not American.

Yeaaahhhh...I’ve created some “masterpieces” in my day that actually look like a three fingered preschooler drew them once you come own. But the enthusiasm lingers.

Had a similar experience. Probably a good thing it wasn’t recorded. Most likely it was just one note :P

“It is expected to premiere sometime next year, at which time it will undoubtedly be the subject of hundreds of teens’ unhappy acid trips.”

I never get tired of showing this print ad from the 1970’s.

Funny thing is, he still sounds like less of an asshole than his brother.

Cannot process nuance!

“Become a soccer physio,” they said. “It’s an easy job,” they said. “You’ll never have to coat a player’s ass in cold spray in a stadium full of people,” they said.

From the story you supposedly just read before commenting: “Observers on Twitter claimed that police kept Harris lying on the ground for an unspecified amount of time without medical aide before eventually taking him to the hospital, where he went into surgery”

beat me 2 it

The rhino, who was given the name Donnie, now resides in a new home in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

Okay well nbd, I will just leave law school and go live in the wilderness to personally be his new mom. It’s fine. We can fix this. And we won’t have to feel this feeling about how shitty human kind is anymore.

I don’t know what republicans want. They don’t want women to be able to have babies they don’t want woman to be able to avoid having babies.

I fought a hangover by not going to sleep and now I’m omnipotent!!!
