It’s too bad he didn’t do this before the Bad Blood video. He coulda been Mr. No Moore.
It’s too bad he didn’t do this before the Bad Blood video. He coulda been Mr. No Moore.
I don’t understand all these extracurricular activities on the subway nowadays. Making out, eating a stinky five course meal, drunken singing, non-drunken singing, whipping out of dicks. As an AMERICAN it is your duty to sit or stand there quietly, stare into space and pray that the power doesn’t go out before you get…
Did we need proof? (Sorry, Florida here)
Terrible casting. The dad isn’t a Fat Man, and that kid isn’t a Little Boy. What a bomb.
(You’re welcome for the obscure historical reference.)
He’s just emphasizing the importance of a nuclear family.
An emotional rollercoaster. 5 Stars.
Well, you left out the ‘when’ clause. I like to give the market a chance to get it right, but I think there’s plenty of evidence that the market can fuck up when left unchecked — e.g., what happened with credit-default swaps was ridiculous: these are essentially insurance contracts, except for some stupid reason you…
Yeah, I’m a good little capitalist, but I believe the market has excesses, and it’s the government’s job to regulate the market, when the market can’t regulate itself. This is a case where clearly the market isn’t doing a very good job. Best case scenario: public shaming ensues, shareholders realize capital is not…
There was a time when the CEO of McDonald’s made about ten times as much as one of his lowest tier employees, and he thought it was a travesty of justice. Not 100,000 times as much, but 10 times as much. He felt ashamed because the board offered him so much money for doing so very little. He felt ashamed at making…
Interestingly enough, $125.00 is also the amount Jeb Bush thinks we should be spending on women’s health issues.
Hasn’t the world already established that Ted Cruz is a raw-bacon-made-from-machine-gun-fire-eater? WHY ARE PEOPLE LISTENING TO THIS IDIOT.
Bryant & Patmon: [start fighting]
I’m still waiting for a few more to be used like:
AP: “Stay here. Daddy is about to do what he does best.”
The creme de la creme
Thanks for this, I laughed for a solid 10 minutes. Whatever else is going wrong at Jez, they are nailing the Trump insults.
If I could marry a gif, it’d be the Obama one.
The fact that he did it while mountain biking and slamming a Mountain Dew, though, THAT was extreme!