
Blah blah blah

Truth. Schumer is going to have a big part to play.

Preceded by “dont symbolically reject him. Do so electorally.” With a lengthy explanation of my view that protesting his presidency is an emotional act, and that if it only stops there it does nothing.

Pretty sure I never told anyone to do anything.

I hear ya, my worry is just that it will cement the Obama/trump voter with the right.

Hey, I’m not attacking you. The fact remains, a lot of people complain and protest, yet we get smoked in the mid terms.

Wow. Thanks for your take and all the info. Really interesting read.

I would only say: don’t symbolically reject him. Do so electorally. Join your locals Democratic Party. 2018 is coming, and these protests will not stop his presidency. They will also surely be used against us 2020 to delegitimization whoever our president-elect may be.

So assuming he pulls their work authorizations, does it then go to court, direct deportation?

Yea, I’ve been look for Renard since the election...

To be clear, I dont mean give in to him.

Dude, the mid terms are going to be huge. And this is what pisses me off about the current protests - stop fucking about! You won’t change this today by walking in the street. The only way you can change it is to beat feet and hit the sidewalk. Knock on doors. Inform people if the mid terms, offer to drive people,

Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. He has the intellectual acuity of a quite ignorant 10 year old.

But you have to stay. We have to change it, and that’s the only way. Sometimes it’s just too much to take. And in those rare moments of grief and misery, like when seeing the quoted post above, we must just calmly tell ourselves “Grammar is not everyone’s strong suit.”

He doesn’t get a lifetime, if I remember correctly he gets 10 years after leaving office. Lifetime retirement salary, but who cares about that when you’re Trump?


I’m reminded of a Castro quote, when asked what the difference between Cuban Democracy and American Democracy was. He answered:

I’m not seeing this anywhere, this happened at 2:00pm.


I think it’s very important that we allow people to express their votes on this important Election Day.