I meant hasn't. Too late to edit now. Grrr...
Kinda surprised The Slot has written a piece on Newsweek’s bombshell concerning Trump’s business dealings being major issues were he to win.
Ugh. I would totally be the first asshole executed for playing that stupid “EVERYTHING IS AWESOME” Lego-movie song...
Um, I believe it’s pronounced:
Obama says he has suffered the racism of whites locking their cars when he came into view. But don’t most people lock their cars, regardless? Does Obama think cars parked in black neighborhoods sit unlocked?
Yesterday was as close to reality that the fairy tale Cinderella has ever gotten.
I firmly believe Donald Trump is a pill-head.
This is so good.
It was me.
You’re right tho, these jobs are getting automated at $7.25 just like they are $15.
Miss you HamNo.
I think I owe Cheerful Ex-GF $100. Pretty sure she said it would end like this for Chris brown in like 2012...
I gotta be honest. I just don’t get it. I’m a 30-something male who grew up with the rise of technology, and I have never, not even once, taken a picture of my Dick.
I was thinking the same thing.
Worlds leading charity accepts donations from the world’s most powerful and richest people.
I am so freakin stoked for this series.