Unfortunately, this list is only for insults in articles on gawker...
Unfortunately, this list is only for insults in articles on gawker...
I’ve started a Twitter for these now.
I’m still trying to figure out how conservatives reconcile that we are the “greatest country the world has ever known™” and also a cancer patient in critical condition. How do they make this leap?
Yea this is wildly out of line. But the whole attack from the right is. Deceptive undercover videos, lies on the campaign trail, hyping up base voters with guns, hostage situations at PP’s, fire bombs... And now - your girlfriends angry uncle Joe who never got married for some reason - but just so happened to get…
I just gave someone shit in the gawker comments like 2 days ago for not knowing who she is.
There really are so many.
Haha, these are all actually from the gawker writers! Everyone was in an article about trump. I’m hoping they will do a “Ranked” post with them when he's done. I'm hoping they'll let us vote!
Eh, I was late in my comment. I post it on a few trump articles a week. It normally gets upwards of 200-250
How are there any Jewish GOP supporters? Aren’t they Christ-killers-who-hate-Christmas?
God, I hate this family.
Nice, thanks for the heads up! I hate when I miss one.
So true. What I can’t get over is the ‘Pro-life’ movement, read- anti-rights, can be against abortion by not getting them. But the people spewing this shit are the same people saying “the govt should never tell a individual what they can or cannot do” they scream about individual rights. And then push for govt…
I would love to have a hidden camera at the Bush thanksgiving. At what point do you think Jeb(!) throws the mashed potatoes at W.(!) while bitching that:
So good.
I believe it was Wilson who wrote regarding Haiti, that in the Dominican Republic and Mexico, you had to treat the locals with some respect, as they were Spanish, they had a little white, but in Haiti you could do whatever you wanted to them. “They were no half breeds. Pure Nigger.”
Was that in a gawker article?
YES. If it goes viral, just give me a shout out! Lol
I had a friend named David Im.
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