... To you.
Blah blah blah. Bull shit bull shit bull shit.
Well good. Because her article wasn’t about whining that a woman was being treated badly by men. It was about why that specific situation will always look bad for men.
God Bless You, Erin. Forever God bless you.
I’ll take “Lint-covered sentient Cheeto” for $1,000, Alex.
Surely you’ll recognize the significance of an institution that has for over 200 years been dominated by Old, White Men - using the resources of that institution to attack the first woman with a real chance at leading it?
Ugh. People who CC themselves can go directly to hell.
Haha, truth.
Ya know, it’s never a slow move away from some ill or crazy thing we look back on and think why we let it happen. It always has certain huge moments, specific “legendary” successes that completely change the entire zeitgeist.
Jesus, Abbott is a fucking TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
Truth. Their plan is to make everyone hate govt by sabotaging it. Norman ornstein and Thomas Mann wrote a great book about all this called “it’s worse than it looks” and they blame republicans for the partisanship in Washington today. The interesting thing tho, is that they’re both highly respected longtime…
Wow. Apparently symbolic bull shit is really all they care about.
I’m just gonna say it.