Thanks for the input, Nick!mwe all appreciate you defending your shitty show to the end!
Thanks for the input, Nick!mwe all appreciate you defending your shitty show to the end!
It’s like all you ever did was watch it.
Jesus. You have too much time on your hands.
Ok, Nick Pizzolatto. “It wasn’t the writing, it was the dialogue.” What. Seriously. What.
Ani wasn’t a princess needing saving until... The last scene. Sure, she saved him in the train station, but after that? Nope. And he told her to “stay with the girl” when he went to that meeting. She wasn’t supposed to be there!
But, chivalry didn’t fail? They were chivalrous alright, right into their graves. The women got out, which was the chivalry. The plan didn’t work because Men strong, go alone, women weak, stay behind.
God I totally felt like it was going out of its way to push these women into some old stereotype.
Accept the punishment God placed on you when you got us kicked out of the garden of Eden?!
We always find our true strength during our toughest ordeals. Hangovers = Almighty power.
I love this comment.
Please tell me you saw the NY Times article this morning, that included this wonderful quote:
Good question. I think that’s a question for the GOOP’s PR team.
I thought those halos were made with 100% Cambodian tofu, and formed by the hands of 8 year olds, forced to mousterize every hour since birth?
You're an idiot.
Look, idiot, you seem to generally care about justice, and civil rights, and that’s great. But this whole “I’m a social justice warrior even in the face of honest questions” is just ridiculous. So, again, go fuck off. Do I give shit to go google this stuff? Not really, I don’t pretend to be some fucking expert in it.…
Hey asshat. I asked a question in a forum where it could be answered. I didn’t ask for your input. If your smart enough to open your fucking eyes you’d see someone already answered. So fuck off.
No, when I’m not sure of something I don’t mind asking for help.