Ummm no.
Ummm no.
Yet another article that totally fails to understand what was wrong about the routine.
The issue isnt that her jokes offend(They do offend many people but then Trump offends many many people.)
Its fine to agree with her sentiments.
I wish more single player adventude RPGs had a 2 player option(like the old lego games.)
Thats me - straddling the line between infantile ninnies who cant handle graphic footage where no one is injured and people who can handle watching it.
Im more interested in in how many more people are angry with Kanye for supporting a politician than with K. Kelly - for basically everything he has done.
It seems like you have a point.
UMMM this is obvious.
WTF is with those pants?
Stay warm. Keep yourself hydrated. Avoid mucus inducing foods like milk.
It looks like some ass hole cops. I hope they get in trouble.
Im neither a Kanye fan nor a Trump fan but Im loving the tears in response to his music.
I dont think the majority these dangerous losers are coming at this an “entitlement” perspective.
A man so bad hes not allowed to play the race card.
Forced diversity worked out so well in past.
For Celts sake I think they should make him part of the long term plan.
If all women have been “graped” then all women all stupid/easy marks - and I just dont buy it.
American kids need more desert food they are deprived.
White supremacy isnt a “disease.” Its an evil, selfish, and wrong perspective one consciously embraced.