All I want is a sequel to Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes.
All I want is a sequel to Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes.
Can you imagine just for a moment what this site would do to HillRod if she were a man (and not a lesbian) and were in the Republican party?
I thought Alissa Walker was the worst editor over at Gawker for her endlessly annoying utopian autonomous car puff pieces, but I now pass that honor to you and whatever the fuck you call this sensationalist bullshit. Can’t wait for “the big one” to bring Darwinism back to the west coast and finally put an end to you…
Nah, just 1 of 200 retarded dimwits making consistently horrible decisions based effectively on the GoT magic 8-Ball. Seriously, how any of these people manage to dress themselves is a wonder. G.R.R. Martin, Lord of the Lame Writer Neckbeard, has everyone wearing ponchos made of drapes and slippers so he doesn’t have…
10/10 troll, would laugh again.
I like to look for supplies for my crafting projects. It is so much cheaper to get some of the things at a dollar store than it is at Micheal’s or at Joanne’s.
He’s the one that rode the centaur in Season 1 to the Battle of Mount Hyjal with Legolas..
Buy the MW remastered, get a free Infinite Warfare game
Broad strokes here. I’m going to be that guy who jumps in and says cutting out carbs isn’t a fad diet. Doctors have experimented with keto diets to treat various health issues since the 1930s, and it clearly brings results, not even just weight loss. It’s silly to make the claim that just because something is popular,…
Is this really a good idea, though? I mean, a woman POTUS and VP? Won’t their cycles sync up and wreak havoc on the White House plumbing?
Actually, when you don’t parse out one sentence out of context, it does make sense. I think his metaphors are a little mixed up, along with the phrasing, but he’s clearly not implying what you’re trying to say.
Here’s the actual context and quote. This was delivered in Philadelphia.
The point of music is to shock people?
Dear jeebus, thank you for reminding me of being seven.
Disney does, along with the other Star Wars IP.
If the rights to Super Star Wars are any indication, than Disney and yes it could get re-released.
What goes around, comes around
Yeah, because an update that does not even pose a full problem for everybody makes you happy not to have the game, but Patrick’s countless Mario Maker videos showing him having the time of his life does nothing for you.