i never played HOMM2 but i have probably sunk thousands of hours into 3 since first getting it at age 12 (i’m 27 now). there’s something about that game series (erm, well the 3d0 ones) that just speaks to me on a fundamental level.
i never played HOMM2 but i have probably sunk thousands of hours into 3 since first getting it at age 12 (i’m 27 now). there’s something about that game series (erm, well the 3d0 ones) that just speaks to me on a fundamental level.
You get my thumb up for Adventures of Lolo. I love all these semi-action puzzle games. If you have emulators, I recommend Little Magic on SFC, Catrap aka Pitman on GameBoy, Push Over on SNES or Bombuzal aka Kablooey on SNES.
Which is saying something since the Clueless Gamer segments are pretty awful in general.
Not trying to make excuses for Capcom releasing the game incomplete but I’m frankly amazed to hear people willingly play against the AI when they’re not forced to do it to unlock things. There are a lot of masochists out there.
“Democratic candidates”. Don’t be stupid on the internet.
Soap Operas are the worst for it, as people get really invested in them. Every day the stories play out in real-time, like they’re happening in your own street, and they can’t separate the character from the actor.
Whoa is this the cover art for the next Iron Maiden album?
So far it seems that you & I are the only Dragonlance readers on Deadspin., but at least we're not alone.
oh hell yeah raistlin up in this piece!
Jack “Joffrey” Gleason seconds the motion.
I don’t know if this is true or not but I heard that when Gilligan’s Island was on CBS used to get letters asking them to rescue the castaways. Even if it’s not true, it says something about humanity that I fully believe it *could* be true.
William “Dickless” Atherton agrees.
But can Barbie tighten up the graphics on level 3?
Game Developer, career of the year? laugh. I hope you like overtime crunch and lay offs, Barbie!
I feel like there should be a distinction between 1) actual trolls like Ken M and David Thorne, and 2) the neckbearded, basement-dwelling denizens of 4chan, YouTube, the more mildewy, smegma-coated corners of reddit and the cavefish in the grey depths right here on Kinja, who just fling around slurs like orangutan…
With them for years? See, that’s where you went wrong. “15 minutes could save you 15%” is a literal statement, anything more than 15 minutes and you’ll pay a premium (literally and figuratively).
The bigger joke is “productition.”
Sounds great, but I think I’ll read it tomorrow.