
That’s bestbuy. They also sell $100 HDMI cables, where every other store on earth sells them for $15- and most places sell them for 5.
5 star average, $3 canadian. Works on any solar panel, wall outlet, car outlet, or PC. From the Canadian website.

I’m tempted to have it pose with my Game Boy Brick.

The classic definition of trolling? I think you’ll find it here or here.

Star wars + Oculus + Unreal Engine 4

This new formula of “Just Let John Oliver Explain It” is working out well for you guys. I suggest using it even more.

Oh FFS it’s a video game.....

LOL sounds like something my father used to say when he came across something shoddily made or of dubious value: “Son, some things are made just to be sold.”

Okay, even if I didn't have a Wii U, I'd buy this for the book alone.

That would be a wild fantasy indeed.

And just like the games, I haven’t experienced a good Fallopian Fantasy in a few years now.

The Warriors of Light would have quite a different skill set in Fallopian Fantasy. And just imagine the materia in Fallopian Fantsy VII

...of course you can put a little of it into the “blow” category if you want.

My grandmother, only she called it “rasslin!”. Close second to her main favorite, “my stories” aka soap operas. No doubt they have a lot in common.

My grandma lived to about 85 and loved wrestling till the day she died.

*Tanooki Suits

I don’t think the trick is that if you don’t know then you’re lying. The trick is that it disrupts the chain of the story and picking up the story in the middle is harder if it’s a lie than if it’s the truth.

Same here, my response to this kind of thing would be: “I don’t really care enough about actors/previews/whatever to remember.”

This. I can’t even recall all the previews that were before Age of Ultron, and I saw that just a few days ago.

Yeah. Their helmets render them effectively blind so I don’t get why people are surprised when they don’t hit anything.