
Honestly one of my favorite Art directions ever in a game. Just so starkly different than anything else at the time. Loved the manual for it.

The update is only for Mii Plaza, not the system itself. I don’t think you’ll have any problems.

You’ve never actually looked at the MK cast, have you?

Rosa Parks?

Any human with a decent working brain knows that games do not cause sexism.

That Aciipad was the must durable controller I've ever had. Mine still works despite me beating the shit out of it.

Everyone knows his name is Zelda.

> Doesn't help that both whites and blacks lump racial variations into their or the other's camps based purely on skin. e.g. someone from Bali = might as well be black?

I kind of feel you. In a lot of future games, you kind of assume that race isn't a big deal, because I think in science fiction, black and white or Asian or whatever race of humans just isn't as big a deal as say, murderous alien threats. We just naturally assume it ain't no thing. What I will say though is that, even

This article was dope as hell. Two things, though. I feel like gaming has come a hell of a long way more than books, television, movies, or really any other form of media. The true gaming "Industry" that we know of today has only been around for a few decades. In that amount of time, we've seen an insane amount of

They forced me off my old insurance plan that I loved. Paying more than double now WITH the subsidy applied than I was before the roll out, and owing over 1200 in taxes because I took it, instead of my usual return of 200-300 back. Oh and none of the doctors I used and liked are covered under the only plan I could

I think that's fine.

Dave Ramsey - The Total Money Makeover

Others are from Alabama.

I said I'd wait until there was a Zelda version.

I don't know, more realistic doesn't necessary mean better. The problem with realistic shading and lighting is that you loose a lot of color, which was an important part of the game.

Plus, while all those little explosions in the cylinders are making heat, that heat is being transferred to the coolant, which is then being piped through the heater core, which then can be blown into the passenger compartment so your lovely ass doesn't shatter like an ice sculpture shoved by a drunk bridesmaid. The

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... or you could just listen to Space Truckin' by Deep Purple