
"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."

If your state is controlled by:

The worst thing about CFLs vs. incandescents though is that they often don't just stop working. They just gradually get dimmer, and there is a weird in-between phase where things won't be as bright as they should be, but not necessarily dim enough to make you realize you need to change the bulb.

Your regular light bulbs burn out all the time, it's just that your wife has been replacing them. ;)

It's like a diatribe I'd read on SomethingAwful.

The greatest comment I've seen on the web outside Facebook in... I don't know how many years. Since Myspace? Every time I see someone say "Pacific Islander" I get my hopes up, then it turns out they're just Philipino. Keep on chuggin [insert cool island slang nic name all the cool kids use these days]

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker


... just buy the 4-pack at Costco. Better deal.

... just buy the 4-pack at Costco. Better deal.

My take on the whole situation is like this:

In a nutshell, its where anyone (usually female) who criticizes video games or the culture around it, gets harassed and has their personal information publicly leaked so random people on the internet with so little to do in their own lives can go around sending various threats. You aren't missing much.

I don't blame you, I have no idea what it is at this point either.

I wonder how long before the "unlimited" is taking away by some semi-professional people uploading millions of 50mb raw photos.

Great idea ruined by terrible music. Couldn't make it through more than 15 seconds...

Nope, the History Channel app (along with several other cable channel apps) requires you to link it to your cable account (and not all cable companies qualify). If you don't have a cable account to link it to you still get limited stuff (basically a handful of the episodes of the shows ... presumably its the last few

Are you saying you didn't love Donkey Kong 64? It's probably the worst example of what you're talking about. Banjo-Kazooie, on the other hand, was one of my favorites.

If he's truly a Redskins defender, then no wonder he can't stop this media offensive against him.

Spray perfume to cover up odors? Is this a joke?