
One thing that's had a positive effect on my handwriting is whiteboards. The hand has to be kept of the board while writing, so it forces a writer to concentrate more and learn how to keep the arm steady.

Came here to say exactly that!!

I agree with the loss of handwriting. I work at a junior college and see many handwritten notes from students with the worst penmanship. One of my student helps handwriting is so bad, I have gone to the extreme that anything that needs to be written out (usually signs stating that class is canceled) I make him write

I've always had lousy handwriting. I'm married to the computer keyboard. Not only can I produce typescript quickly, I can copy and transfer it with ease. It is searchable.

A friend of mine moved across the continent for school and we've taken to dropping each other snail mail every couple of weeks; I tried to re-read the most recent letter I wrote her before I sent it and I'm pretty embarrassed by how much my handwriting has degraded for lack of use. Must practice.

GOod one. I can still write neatly but it probably takes me 3x as long as it used to because of how much I have to concentrate. If I just write fast it's pretty much unintelligible to everyone but me (and half the time to me as well).

Same. My handwriting was pretty bad as a kid, but then when I went into middle school most things had to be typed. As such, I have the handwriting of a sloppy 10-year-old.

Oh god yeah, my handwriting is the worst these days. When I write something it looks like a drunk elephant walked past with a pen in their trunk.

The villain never bothered them anyway.

Amazon is listing the laser distance measure as $103.94.

Dryer Sheets

Vote: Vanguard

"We've become more and more aware that not all of our attendees identify with the 'gaymer' label. And while we love all our gay dude friends, we realize there are more people than that who want an awesome space to hang with their friends in a safe and diverse environment. We want to make sure we represent everyone who

Vote: Astraweb

My rule of thumb generally tends to be going with a WIRED mouse. If it doesn't matter to you, why bother with wireless? No batteries, no dongles. Plug & play, all day.

This is horse shit. Carriages around Central Park is part of the charm and these... animal activist (read: pussies), think a fucking horse would be happy in a stable doing jack shit. Horses, like many work animals are happiest when they are doing something. People wonder why some dogs wreck the house when they're

What are these other Matrix films? There was only one. Just like how Star wars was only a trilogy.

I can finally say "I think I'm good". After about 7 years of using an aging AMD Athlon pc with minor upgrades, I finally bit the bullet and built a spanking new one just this past week. Core I7 4770k, 16 gigs of RAM, and a Samsung 240 gig SSD and an MSI mobo. Recycled everything else (case, PSU, keyboard, mouse,