
Who cares as long as it has dancers, actors, and singers prancing around the stage for entertainment..

Yeah them specifically hunting for the most unflattering pic they could use certainly had nothing to do with it I’m sure. ;P

The Grab them by the Pussy comment and the media’s relentless coverage of it, is what really hurt Trump in the end

lol NOW Gawker writers want to write about emails. :)

Say what you want about the source.. but the content seems relatively accurate. :)

How about you just say “this is how an election works” and use the opportunity to teach some civics 101?

A real NES + an Everdrive is the real way to play games.. So yes, for me it’s pure aesthetics, the box, the Nintendo seal. etc. i.e. it’s OFFICIAL. And it’s a cute mini-NES. I have to have it. :)

It’s just crazy that Trump wants illegal immigration to be treated as though it were not legal for some reason! lol. psst.. Trump wants immigrants The USA is built around and embraces immigrants. LEGAL immigrants who want to come and integrate into American society.

Blame Scott Walker and the Republican plot to suppress minority turnout

I was going to say.. the whole “suppress” votes thing is ridiculous. Why would you want to suppress votes.. you never know what individuals would do.. what if they wanted to vote for you?

As someone with a decent NES collection for the past 29 years or so.. and also have a working NES with an N8 Everdrive plugged into a 12" crt on my desk so I can play whatever I want whenever work is driving me crazy.. I’m definitely picking this up.

Nothing. But man it’s cute. I’m snagging one.

Hrm? I thought the Dems were ecstatic about Trump being the nominee because it guarantees a total shoo-in?

I’d say that’s pretty good.. ok, will watch. :)

At 23, I was a relatively young adult in 1993, and I’d have said then that it’d be rare that a “real” adult man (i.e. in their 40's at the time) would even look at, let alone play any video games at all. So I don’t think their assumption was too far of a shot to be honest. But yeah it was a marketing shot in the dark
