
(applause break)

They know similar laws exist in about 18 other states, right? Including Illinois, where they're from?

Nothing in This Is The End was as irksome as Wilson Phillips in Bridesmaids. What an awful, cloying note to end the film on.

It depends on whether the chattering class likes you. Will Cumberbatch get away with saying it? Yes. Could Clint Eastwood? Certainly not.

The Dawes of comedy.

Delano's stuff is political in ways that are a bit predictable (and a bit banal now), but the tone he set with the character was useful to everyone after.

Jan Smithers had been a model, but slap glasses on her and voila, the thinking man's choice. Sure worked on me at age 12. (And continues to work in a variety of shows since.)

Right. He has a different personality but he comes from the same world as the other guys.

What's poor is the presumption that trans women are entitled to this role. As opposed to leaving the casting choice to the people setting out to make the video.

Do I hear FIVE seasons and a movie?

Actual single-payer health isn't really all that common, among first world countries. (shows self out)

In exchange for absolutely lavish child support ($17,000 a month), a house and more.

Danes, no, the rest, yes.

And this is why fine of-their-time-and-place records often don't age well; their themes can be a bit on-the-nose.

In this case, oracular gonorrhea - you can surely see it coming.

In this case, oracular gonorrhea - you can surely see it coming.

Granted, can't dismiss visuals; it was Saint Conan himself who said he liked to put on stuff that seemed funny even with the sound off.

I cringed at Fallon's "Moves Like Jagger" bit at the Golden Globes because (a) we all knew it was coming and (b) they did nothing with it to make it funny. He has talents, which all seem to be put to the most obvious and predictable uses imaginable.

"I never laughed out loud once" - says Steven Hyden of!
Steven, you're coming pretty close to saying "the show's writers are bad, and the interviews still aren't necessarily good, but I still root for the guy." Personal charm counts for a lot, but honestly, would this experience be worse or better if it

Writers today don't know their Wang from their Doodle.