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    Racist Sessions tried to do some ethics / conflict of interest shenanigans to try to get him recused on ethics grounds (the irony, I know) - but the Senate wouldn't let him.

    Did anybody even test that dude's blood during the autopsy to find out if that murderer's lies - excuse me, suspicions - about him being "on PCP" were even true?

    He's mad it's not his movie making all that bank (assuming he's even finished the script) —

    Maybe just a dogwhistle to match the one dude already has.

    I think it's really interesting that so many "Oh it's only a movie" types can't deal with what really happened in the movie - and its implications of that satire - to such an extent that … never mind trying to explain racism away with the endless "butbutbut it could be this it could be this it could be any other five

    You sound fun.

    I'm … a little alarmed that someone would miss all that (and then that several other commenters would validate that "missage" in addition).

    Character arc in leather pants.

    He's also George, the middle York son in The White Queen - and just as much of a jerk there, if not more so.

    He's also George, the middle York son in The White Queen - and just as much of a jerk there, if not more so.

    So many the techdudes with whom I work disdain the whole "knowledge of the market so your Miracle Software will sell" set of concepts. And don't get me started on the way they snarl and scrap over IP issues.

    This phrase is going to have some legs.

    You spoke it *cough*

    Speaking of which

    BRB dying of laughter

    Right? He's a Rafa fan!

    o snap

    Oh - you don't think ??