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    Of course. He's a white dude.

    They just infuriated me, the way they treat him for TAKING A KNEE.

    He didn't think he had to pay attention.

    He says this EVERY TIME he issues some sort of Holocaust-denial-adjacent statement.

    I've been waiting for cirrhosis to take Bannon out of contention. (There are rumors.)

    LOL. I'll ask my godfather.

    No doubt.

    LOLOL. I don't know yet whether he cooks off the court.

    Oop. Don't play. Big Foe is originally from Sierra Leone and he plays for the States and gave Roger a run for his money in Miami last week (in the first set, at least).

    "the USA gives ppl the forum to address their grievances and protest for change… "

    ¿Oh, verdad? ¿Cierto que a Panamá no le importa si bajamos y pasamos poquito tiempo?

    Aww. You sound like those racist Indiana folks who wanted "English to be the state language".

    People are nosy, and you don't have to answer them.

    Let's not speak all this into existence, if y'all don't mind …

    They truly threw ol' girl under the bus, didn't they?

    LOL. "Get Out" has truly entered the lexicon.