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    *bams gavel*

    They don't have to admit it for us to know it anyway:


    "La mayoría defendían esa división"

    I .. have a whole rant on that. I don't think you want to hear it.

    No te mentiré; era demasiado difícil ver las noticias de ese muro de vergüenza

    And who did the dividing? Let's parse that.


    It might get ugly much quicker than that – Orange Dump’s so-called Interior Sec’y has been running his mouth, and I don’t have my policy books out, but last time I looked trying to pull something like this

    What wisdom did the facilitator have for ol' girl?

    Complete with "you people"

    "shady check"

    Me gustaría mucho que hablaras con tu primo Cubano aquí


    *tries not to holler*

    Awww. If they are cut they can leave in this vehicle

    Two words: False equivalence.

    They seriously need to take "divisive" out. Of. Their. Mouths.

    "and that's how Kanye happens."