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    Just like Dolt45's ICE and CBP and TSA brownshirts.

    I just use "FLOTUS Michelle, Esq." to reference her.

    She's not only doc of color who's written on that, either.

    Oh, that's … wow.

    IKR?? Now I want to know what Freebird was going to say.

    Yeah, it looks as if somebody’s being deliberately argumentative and - frankly? I need neither the derail nor the aggravation – especially since I’ve already seen how you’ve behaved with other VSSs on the thread.

    You can be both logical and annoyed at the same time.

    *also votes for 'white dudes'*

    "Chris' mother died, no doubt, while he was watching some Brady Bunch bullshyte."

    Come back and let us know what you think!

    "f course I'm reading into this; this article isn't about how the flats are the best parts of chicken wings. It's a piece that's made to be read into."


    "after the box office Blumhouse will want a squeal"

    Slightly OT - Scared of them turning around 6x the cost in a weekend. Boom.

    "but Black women and White men doesn't have the same visceral punch as the other way around"

    You are … reading waaaaay into some things, homeslice.



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