
please let me be aware when you make your next scientific discovery good sir. it’s imperitive that we get the word out to the public.

this is a fantastic infographic.

Game Genie. nothing like having to buy a strategy guide to utilize the dang thing. gameshark too to get the goo stuff.

doesn’t activision pay a lot of money to have those guns in their game??

When they put out too many borderlands games and started to think their roses don’t actually smell like poo-poo-oo. think this game seriously came from their inflated egos over there. Though I will say that duke nukem forever wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, but colonial marines was a serious turd. this game

i was at my buddy’s house watching him play (it looks fun) and his team was losing and the other team submitted defeat. it was super strange...

damn i havent seen any news on that stuff :( i knew there was a lot of stuff shown...

im excited about this, kind of surprised at the 3d but it looks like they’ve put a lot of work keeping the style down. And iga-vanias haven’t really had too much “timing” they were always a little slower than the castlevanis proper series. it looks like i shoulda put in on the kick starter i just didnt realize how

Seems like someone’s diaper’s full. Boo on you for enabling automatic updates like an old person. Who does that? Lazy people the only thing insidious here is the lack of computer comprehension that lead to this upgrade ever happening. Also a 10 second google search could’ve kept you from wasting 30 mins. to an hour on