
Your own fault if you got to AutoZone, Pep Boys, or any other mass market vendor for foreign parts. Pony up the money for the right stuff or sell.

Does anyone else see the irony in a Navy ship flying the Jolly Roger??

Nailed it! After the Superbowl, this year, I walked up to a bunch of Seahawks fans and said, “other than the ‘playing in the Superbowl’ part of today, I know what this heartbreak feels like... I’m from Miami”

It’s quite different, as I stated. But it’s not COMPLETELY different. Same engine. Same trans. Same soft plate as a 407 (oh hey, a JetRanger!) I covered the avionics and cowlings in the previous comment.

Crews can’t “remove” the governor. It takes a mechanic to bypass programming in the electronic control unit to do so, which cause a whole host of other problems said mechanic will then continually have to resolve. Please don’t go passing off something you read on Wikipedia that was done once at Aberdeen, as though it

Minus the electronics and fairings, they are to a Civie 206 what a coupe is to a sedan.

Great, now we’re going to get real pilots bitching about mobility hits...

If you ain’t Cav , you ain’t SHIT!

Every vehicle you will ever see at any military installation will have a drip pan under it. You do it do so you can visually verify your equipment ISN’T leaking. It’s called PMCS.

I was stationed with the Cavalry in Germany at the turn of this century. We often would road march an entire squadron’s of armored vehicles from one training area to the next down public roads. Infrequently, we might have 1-2 police vehicles at the extreme front and back of our columns, but that never kept the locals

Disregard. I didn’t scan the comment threads before I asked that question.

Do the half grades indicate the pass started poorly then improved/vice versa?

Sometimes “bolt on” = Bolts off...

We already had this debate here months ago. “Viper” will always be the name on the street, away from Jane’s and other official docs.

The A4 teams were my first intro to the Blues and I still have a lot of memorabilia from childhood with these awesome aircraft!

I'm going to Miramar. (Forever from now!)

It scares the [expletive] out of you only once. From then on you will always key the mic a few times down final just to be sure.

Something that wasn't covered in the main article, but becomes evident in the above pic is the displaced threshold. (The white arrows pointing towards the runway numerals) The displaced threshold is an area of additional surface that may be used to takeoff from, but landed upon. It's used at airports that are hot and

You should've held out. Lil' Chris is gonna profit big from this kind of exposure.